June. The smart oven.

This looks interesting. Also. Time-lapse of your cookies being made that can be shared on social media. So there’s your first 50.000 units sold. Made by former Apple employees they say. I guess that’s cool.

(H/T Digital Buzz Blog)

Yes. This is a museum for ants

Oh man, this has to be the best art project ever. At least in terms of cross-cultural references.

#ANTSinNYC from Gareth Pon on Vimeo.

By Lorraine Loots

In July 2015, 730 Paintings for Ants will be exhibited in New York City.
Three King Studios
754 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, 11222.
8-15 July 2015
Thursday – Sunday
12H00 – 19H00

(H/T Vimeo)

For the nostalgic time-lapse lovers

Cassettes, floppy discs, videotapes, bright colours. This time-lapse music video has it all.

(H/T Vimeo)

Music is everything

Or it at least what can really make or break an ad. Take this Mazda ad. Fucking boring visuals, so old school that it hurts. The tagline is irrelevant and I don’t see how it has anything to do with what came before. But the music saves it all (except for the tag line). And then it makes it more OK that there is nothing new about the visual aspect.

Click to watch…


The song is Concrete Wall by Zee Avi

(H/T Creative Review)