Social logos redesigned as breast touching logos

… to promote breast cancer awareness month. Really well-made and a nice headline.




(H/T Design Taxi)

Speed reading banner

A campaign that uses speed reading (rsvp) to show that a telco’s 4,5G network is 3 times faster than 3G. What they did was make a speed reading banner for a newspapers site, so people could experience the faster speed by reading articles faster.

I think the rsvp technique is really fascinating but the campaign is not using it logically. Why is speed reading an explanation for faster internet? I get that it says faster, but it’s not proving the speed – at all! It’s kinda nice that they want to help people read full articles rather than skimming, but it’s still not helping people understand the benefit of faster internet. Also 66.000.000 is not a successful campaign, it’s a big media budget. Why the hell would anyone use this as a result? To me that just says that they had no usable results.

(H/T Digital Buzz Blog)

App removes outdoor advertising with AR

The idea is interesting. Only problem is that to remove the ad, you have to take out your phone and point it to the ad before “removing” it with AR. This means spending quite a lot of time looking at ad and thus doing the complete opposite of the intended purpose. But still, it’s a relevant experiment and of course one that again shows how annoyed people are with bad advertising.




(H/T Fast Company)

Leica porn

If you haven’t seen the limited edition Leica M Edition 60, you should. It’s quite beautiful.



(H/T Aisle.One)

John Lewis shows that it can be simple

No need to overthink. Done before yes, but still works (IMO).




(H/T Ads of the World)

Jeter + Gatorade

This is a good spot. I’m not a fan of baseball and hardly know Jeter. But that doesn’t matter. It just makes me feel good.

(H/T Newsweek)